Preston Chess Club

Preston Chess club meet each Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. For full details of our Activities and Meetings see this page. We have teams in The Blackpool and Fylde League and The Central Lancashire League. Each year, in November we organise Preston Chess Congress.

Venue - New Meadow Street Labour Club

From Wednesday February 5th 2025 onwards we will be playing at New Meadow Street Labour Club. 193-195 North Rd, Preston PR1 1YQ. It is 5 minutes walk from Preston bus station. The entrance is on the right hand side of North Road (A6) heading south towards the bus station. To reach the car park, turn at the traffic lights onto Melling Street. Parking is free - but you must enter your car registration number into the machine at the end of the corridor as you go in. The bar is on the right, we play in the large function room to the left.

Chess Club Venue

For the next three Wednesdays (Jan 15th, 22nd, 29th), Chess Club will take place in the Holiday Inn Hotel next to the bus station. Usually it will be in a room upstairs to the right of reception reached by a door on the right hand side of the bar called "Ribblesdale". However for Jan 15th we are in a downstairs room. Car parking is on a first come first server basis - enter your registration number at reception to avoid being fined. But due to the limited number of parking places you will probably not get in.

Next Chess Club meeting

There will be no chess club on Wednesday December 25th ( Christmas ) or Wednesday January 1st ( New Years Day ). The next Chess Club will be on January 8th in the Holiday Inn Hotel next to the bus station. There is a meeting room upstairs past reception somewhere near the bar area which I have booked to try out. Car parking is on a first come first server basis - enter your registration number at reception to avoid being fined.

Chess Wednesday 18th

Wednesday 18th we will be meeting in Harry's Bar on Fishergate at 7.30pm, which can be accessed via the Bull and Royal and turning left when you get inside. You can park at Jalgos and walk up or on Church st and walk back.

No Chess Club on Wednesday December 11th

There will again be no chess club on Wednesday December 11th. We are looking at other potential venues and will be in touch.

No Chess Club on Wednesday December 4th

Jalgos is closed on Wednesday so there will be no chess club. We will find out on Sunday if it is staying open or not, so I will post an update here when we know more.

Annual General Meeting - July 24th 19:45

Notice that the next Annual General Meeting will be on WEDNESDAY 24th JULY starting promptly at 19:45.


1) Apologies for Absence
2) Minutes of Last Meeting, matters arising
3) Chairman's Report (Alan)
4) Secretary's Report (Carl)
5) Treasurer's Report, subs for next year (Conor)
6) Congress Update (Conor, Malcolm)
7) Team Captain's Reports
8) Election of Officers
9) Number of Teams for next season
10) Club Championship
11) Any Other Business

Christmas Blitz 2023

Hi Everyone,

Plan to hold the Christmas Blitz again, it will be on Wednesday 20th December.

As per usual we will do 5 rounds of 8-2 with Swiss pairings.

Please let me know via e-mail if coming along, I can then add the pairings in advance.


Notice of AGM: August 9th 7:45pm Start

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of Preston Chess Club will take place on Wednesday 9th August.

Should any member wish to add an item to the agenda, please ensure I am advised by Wednesday 2nd August so I can circulate to all members.

Draft Agenda:


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