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Chess Club Venue

For the next three Wednesdays (Jan 15th, 22nd, 29th), Chess Club will take place in the Holiday Inn Hotel next to the bus station. Usually it will be in a room upstairs to the right of reception reached by a door on the right hand side of the bar called "Ribblesdale". However for Jan 15th we are in a downstairs room. Car parking is on a first come first server basis - enter your registration number at reception to avoid being fined. But due to the limited number of parking places you will probably not get in. The map shows a red circle round the venue, and 3 potential alternative parking areas marked with red P.

  • If coming from the North down the A6 turn right onto A59 then immediately left onto High Street which is very small for a road with such a name.
  • If coming up the A59 from the South, turn right before Holiday Inn into Tithebarn Street, then follow one way system round to Ormskirk Road PR12DX.
  • There is also parking in St Pauls Square, then cross road via pedestrian foot bridge.

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