Christmas Blitz Tournament - December 20th 7:30pm

All welcome.

Happy New Year

Chess will be starting again on January 4th. Links to club tournaments now available on the web site:

Christmas Blitz 2016

Peter Jowett is the 2016 Christmas Blitz Champion

New Venue - Wednesdays at The Ale Emporium

Wednesday evenings, using the upstairs room at the Ale Emporium (PR1 2XQ, formerly the Bitter Suite) which is on Fylde Road opposite the student union and kind of set back and behind the Mad Ferret.

It is possible to park right outside although difficult to get into. Also there is free on-road parking nearby on Kirkham Street after 6pm, or Maudland Road.

Chess Club AGM - Thursday July 16th

7:30pm Stanley Arms

Thursday April 2nd

Club night at The Stanley Arms

Venue for Thursday March 5th 2015 onwards

Until further notice the club is meeting on Thursdays at The Stanley Arms, see

Some Wednesdays there may be matches at Beautiful Planet. The next one is on Wednesday March 18th. Also if anyone wants to play friendly games they can come along but it will cost you £1. See for directions

New Venue - Stanley Arms

We are trying out a new venue - The Stanley Arms, Lancaster Road next to the Guild Hall for the first time on Thursday February 12th.

I have attached some directions and a map for visiting teams:

Beautiful Planet - Directions

Whilst the Unicorn is unavailable, some matches are taking place at Beautiful Planet 53a Friargate.

I am attaching a map and directions for the benefit of visiting clubs.

Function Room at the Unicorn Unavailable

The function room at the Unicorn is temporarily unavailable because it failed a fire inspection because of the fire exit door. We don't yet know when this will be fixed. We can still meet downstairs in the pub for casual games but this is unsuitable for matches.

We are going to try out Beautiful Planet Wednesday Jan 14th for club night, with a view to using it for match nights if it seems ok.


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