Chess club AGM

The 2010 Preston Chess Club AGM is on Wednesday July 21st at 8pm

Club Championship 3rd round drawn.

The club championship 3rd round draw is now available and added to the web site.

List of Club members is now available online

A list of club members and contact details is now available online, but only accessible if you are logged in.

Press Release - Preston Annual Chess Tournament

Preston's annual open chess tournament ran from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th of November, and is took place at a new venue this year, the University of Central Lancashire, Foster Building. We had a total of over 150 players from places such as London, Ipswich, Scotland, Wales, Cockermouth, and 1 from South Africa (the only foreign player). The oldest prize winner was George Ellison 77 (of Poulton Le Fylde) and the youngest prize winners were Jennifer Neil 11 (of Chorley), and Jordan Lewis 10 (of Poulton Le Fylde). The top 4 games in the open section were broadcast live on the internet.


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