Preston Chess club summer blitz results

The results of the summer blitz are now in the rating system:

Summer Blitz - 19th July

Following on from the success of the Christmas Blitz, we will be holding an end of season Summer Blitz on WEDNESDAY 19th JULY.

If interested, please respond via the link Yes Enter Me, I can then prepare the Swiss tournament ahead of the evening so we can start on time.

We will take entries on the night, it will just slow things down a little.

With this in mind. Start time will be 19:45.

Time control will be 8 minutes with 2 second increments.

Hopefully see you all there.

Results of the Preston Chess Club Christmas Blitz

Results of the Preston Chess club Christmas blitz.

Preston Chess Club Events

Hi Everyone,
Hope everyone is well. As we get ready to start the new season, I am asking for registrations for some events we are planning for this season.

1) Standardplay Club Championship
2) Rapidplay Club Championship
3) Monthly (Alternate) Blitz Tournament

Form is self-explanatory, if people could use the form to register it allows me to collect all the information in one place and avoids missed e-mails.

You can access the form at this link:

Events Registration Form.


The proposed constitution is here in case the email link did not work

Notice of AGM - WEDNESDAY 27th JULY 2022

All members are notified that the next ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PRESTON CHESS CLUB will take place on Wednesday 27th July, starting at 7:45pm.

Standard Agenda follows, if any member would like to add any item to the agenda, please let me know by 7pm on 19th July.

Agenda Papers and Documents will be issued to member via the mailing list on 20th July.

Preston AGM

Notice to everyone, that we intend to hold an AGM this year, now that we seem to be over the worst of COVID-19 and a lot of chess activities are slowly getting back to normal.

The plan is to hold the AGM sometime in July, so can I ask all members to update their membership contact details via your profile / account page.

This will allow me to send you the AGM papers directly and also elicit any comments / feedback for the AGM agenda.

Thank you.

Blackpool Chess congress

The entry form for Blackpool Chess congress is:

League matches and club championship taking place.

The Chess club is fully open now with

League matches:

Club championship

casual chess each Wednesday

Club Championship 2021/22

Hi Everyone,

Have been approached by some players to setup a club championship this season now that it looks like some sense of normality (for some people at least) has returned and over the board chess is taking place at the club.

Whilst there appears to be not much chance of many league chess matches this season, it makes sense that we run an accelerated club championship.

Firstly, I want to gauge opinion on how many takers we have, and your thoughts to the following questions.


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