Fylde Individual Championship

The Fylde Individual Championship is a 5 round swiss open to anyone in a Blackpool and Fylde League club. Games take place throughout the year by arrangement between the players, at your chess club or home. If interested contact John Cooper from Lytham Chess Club.

Silver Queen Blitz

The annual Silver Queen Blitz (10 minutes each on the lock) tournament will take place at Lytham Ex chess club on Thursday September 15th at 7.30pm.

Time Handicap Tournament - Monday August 8th

There will be a time handicap tournament (lower rated player gets more time) at the club on Monday August 8th.

Monday August 1st - Central Lancs AGM

The AGM of the Central Lancashire Chess League will be held on Monday August 1st at the club.

Preston Club Championship 2011-2012

Format for this year, as discussed at the AGM, will be to put people into two seeded groups.

Seeding will be based on the ECF Grade for the Summer Grading list.

Seed 1 will go into Group A, Seed 2 into Group B, Seed 3 into Group A and so on.

The groups will be an all play-all, and the winner of each group will go forward to a one match play-off to decide the champion. Please can you let me know if you wish to be entered into this year's tournament, by the End of July 2011 please.

Best wishes and regards,
Carl Tillotson

Preston Chess club AGM

The AGM is on July 11th. See the Agenda and minutes of the previous AGM below.

Chess Club meeting day changed to Monday

Chess club meeting day changed to Monday

A Catz v J Sumner

Lund v Hague

Preston's Annual Open Chess Tournament - Press Release

Preston's annual open chess tournament will take place from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th of November 2010, at the University of Central Lancashire, Foster Building. Last year we had a total of over 150 players from places such as London, Ipswich, Scotland, Wales, Cockermouth, and 1 from South Africa (the only foreign player). The oldest prize winner was George Ellison 77 (of Poulton Le Fylde) and the youngest prize winners were Jennifer Neil 11 (of Chorley), and Jordan Lewis 10 (of Poulton Le Fylde).


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