Lancaster outdoor tournament

There is an outdoor chess tournament in Lancaster September 5th, closing date for entries August 29th.
see here for details

Playing in person again ...

So, Jalgos is open, and we are legally allowed to play over the board again. A few of us will be going down unofficially and playing again Wednesdays 7:30pm

4NCL Online Week 4

Come and join us on Lichess and support the team from the sidelines!

We need all the help we can get. The league is tough, we have yet to get off the mark. We are in Division 3.

You can check the pairings from 6:30pm. Once the matches get underway, you can join as an observer by clicking the game link. The game links should appear from 7:30pm.

4NCL Division 3 Week 4

There is also a web conference meeting room set up, it will be on Jitsi.

Preston Chess Club online

Tonight (Wednesday April 8th) we will be on
Just sign up on there and find Preston chess club on there:

The first Preston v Lytham online match

Wednesday April 1st (april fools day), we (Preston) tried to play a 6 board match against Lytham. We each created a chess club on and all signed up. It seemed that the option of creating a match between us only worked on slow 1 move a day time limits, so we just got people to challenge the other person to a game. Sending out the board order will in advance would have helped a lot with this! We had 4 players from each side in a Zoom video conference, and we played one 15 minutes game, and one 30 minutes game against each player. Just a practice to understand the technology.


During lock down we are going online on on Wednesdays at 7:30pm instead where there is a Preston Chess club. We will be on there this Wednesday April 3rd

Possibly we may try out lichess on another day.

Consitution Proposal - First Draft

Members will recall that we agreed to publish a copy of the proposed constitution for membership consideration. Some members complained that there were unable to open the document that was posted previously.

Details of the proposed document follow. Please note, that this is a proposal for discussion. Nothing is set in stone. Members are invited to add comments and make suggestions for the committee to review.

Denis Lane RIP

It is with sadness that we report that Denis Lane (Blackpool Chess Club) passed away last week. Denis was 98. Denis was also a keen supporter of chess within the Blackpool & Flyde area, serving as Chairperson and Secretary of the league.

Preston Club Championship 2019-20

If you wish to enter the club championship, 5 round swiss format, please e-mail me at - or add a comment to the main story. Entries to me by Sunday 6th October for the 1st round pairing. Late entries accepted up to draw for Round 2.

Fylde Championship

Fylde Championship - in interested the please contact John Cooper ( ASAP if you wish to enter. Championship operates as a 5 round swiss over the course of the season. No entry feed, and trophies for the winner and junior champion.


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