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Open 2010
23rd Preston Congress
Venue: University Of Central Lancashire
Date: 26 Nov 10 to 28 Nov 10
Controller: Mr David Welch
Timings: First 40 moves in 100 mins. 20 mins to completion.
Pos Player Grade Code 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D
1 Ashton, Adam G........... 214B 102327F b23+ w17+ b4+ w3= b2= 4 5 1114 223
2 Arnott, Jonathan W....... 184A 131223G b24+ w12= b8= w14+ w1= 3œ 5 1068 214
3 Hague, Ben............... 216A 104268D bye= b15= w13+ b1= w9+ 3œ 4 850 213
4 Lund, D Brett............ 206B 114671D b27+ w14+ w1- b15+ w8= 3œ 5 1045 209
5 Newton, Robert A......... 180A 125474B bye= b7= w25= b11+ w15+ 3œ 4 785 196
6 Peacock, Malcolm R....... 192A 104515F bye= b13= w11= w17+ b12+ 3œ 4 840 210
7 Broadley, Henry.......... 169A 261849H b10= w5= b17= w13= b19+ 3 5 947 189
8 Williamson, Roger G...... 201A 163166E bye= b11= w2= w24+ b4= 3 4 786 197
9 Brockbank, Henry W....... 166B 251841H bye= w10+ b20= w12= b3- 2œ 4 790 198
10 Lilley, Graham........... 185A 114418C w7= b9- w18= b16= b21+ 2œ 5 843 169
11 McPhillips, Joseph....... 177A 267851C b21= w8= b6= w5- b24+ 2œ 5 909 182
12 Thompson, Ian D.......... 209B 120322J w18+ b2= w15= b9= w6- 2œ 5 902 180
13 Burke, Mitchell R........ 171A 259332E b20= w6= b3- b7= w17= 2 5 898 180
14 Collins, Richard A....... 175A 181578H w25+ b4- w19= b2- w16= 2 5 841 168
15 Hart, David P O.......... 184B 215269B b22+ w3= b12= w4- b5- 2 5 932 186
16 Jones, Steven............ 168A 245951G b17- w27- b22+ w10= b14= 2 5 835 167
17 Jowett, Peter E.......... 183A 113955B w16+ b1- w7= b6- b13= 2 5 864 173
18 Lyth, John D............. 173B 114718D b12- w24= b10= w21- b26+ 2 5 850 170
19 Owen, Dennis............. 178A 194001G bye= w21= b14= bye= w7- 2 3 461 154
20 Surtees, Mike J.......... 193A 119904D w13= b26+ w9= 2 3 557 186
21 Taylor, Robert K......... 167A 120174J w11= b19= w23- b18+ w10- 2 5 838 168
22 Cawley, Paul F........... 171A 157128L w15- b25- w16- w26= bye+ 1œ 4 527 132
23 Ellis, Mark.............. 175A 124867E w1- bye= b21+ 1œ 2 381 191
24 Hamer, Martyn............ 169A 131102F w2- b18= w26+ b8- w11- 1œ 5 805 161
25 Mkhumba, Hope............ 155* 262359G b14- w22+ b5= 1œ 3 526 175
26 Kane, Brendan D.......... 170A 157701D bye= w20- b24- b22= w18- 1 4 556 139
27 McKerracher, Douglas..... 171A 128480A w4- b16+ 1 2 374 187
A = Player's score
B = Number of graded games played
C = Total grading points
D = Grading performance
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