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Minor 2010
23rd Preston Congress
Venue: University Of Central Lancashire
Date: 26 Nov 10 to 28 Nov 10
Controller: Mr Geoff Jones
Timings: First 40 moves in 100 mins. 20 mins to completion.
Pos Player Grade Code 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D
1 Mitcheson, Robert PC..... 143C 128512K w38+ b13+ w11+ b12+ w6= 4œ 5 877 175
2 De Santos, Andrew R...... 122A 180180G bye= b15+ w23= b11+ w7+ 4 4 695 174
3 Stone, Ian C............. 140A 147985E w24+ b27+ w12- b25+ w10+ 4 5 779 156
4 Davies, Dennis........... 122A 109352G w5+ w11- b37+ b23+ w8= 3œ 5 785 157
5 Jameson, Nick............ 139A 268009K b4- w32= b35+ w34+ b21+ 3œ 5 724 145
6 Whiteside, Ronnie........ 135* 134030L b31= w35+ b18= w26+ b1= 3œ 5 717 143
7 Ahmadi, K................ 133* 282187E w23= b39+ w9+ b10= b2- 3 5 689 138
8 Allen, Timothy S......... 130A 258940A b25= w26= b17= w16+ b4= 3 5 609 122
9 Beckett, John............ 135D 278755G w29+ w16= b7- b30= w24+ 3 5 698 140
10 Blackburn, Sandra G...... 120A 178127D bye= w21+ b16+ w7= b3- 3 4 599 150
11 Derbyshire, Warren....... 138C 210922A w40+ b4+ b1- w2- w17+ 3 5 664 133
12 Hartley, Dean M.......... 143A 112248E b34+ w18+ b3+ w1- 3 4 643 161
13 Hope, Iain D............. 133A 254180E b32+ w1- b19= w31= b26+ 3 5 652 130
14 Lewis, Jordan............ 132A 267786G bye= w17= b26- w32+ b31+ 3 4 492 123
15 Roberts, Anthony J....... 133A 188628K b26= w2- b32= w29+ w25+ 3 5 602 120
16 Buckell, David J......... 143A 107586L w36+ b9= w10- b8- w30+ 2œ 5 645 129
17 Glover, Gordon L......... 105A 256834C b21= b14= w8= w18+ b11- 2œ 5 665 133
18 Holt, David N............ 132A 273804B w20+ b12- w6= b17- w34+ 2œ 5 639 128
19 Horman, Paul A........... 122A 245804E w37= b33= w13= b22= w23= 2œ 5 680 136
20 Jinks, Anthony........... 128d 147523L b18- b38+ bye= w21- w36+ 2œ 4 523 131
21 Kent, Paul............... 133C 163377G w17= b10- w39+ b20+ w5- 2œ 5 613 123
22 Ramsey, Dave L........... 130C 117621D bye= w25- b29= w19= b37+ 2œ 4 469 117
23 Rogers, Simon N.......... 141A 141509J b7= w30+ b2= w4- b19= 2œ 5 629 126
24 Bennett, Judd............ 122A 269335F b3- b36- w28+ w38+ b9- 2 5 611 122
25 Bromley, Liam............ 67A 277086G w8= b22+ bye= w3- b15- 2 4 378 95
26 Calderbank, Stuart....... 99E 273431L w15= b8= w14+ b6- w13- 2 5 613 123
27 Hughes, Graham P......... 144D 178954F bye= w3- b34- w35= b39+ 2 4 462 116
28 McKeown, John............ 128B 163429L bye= bye- b24- w39+ b35= 2 3 366 122
29 Riley, Christopher....... 120B 155822F b9- w34= w22= b15- bye+ 2 4 426 107
30 Rothwell, James P........ 130B 255717E bye= b23- w36+ w9= b16- 2 4 499 125
31 Scorer, David M.......... 120A 123932G w6= b37= w33= b13= w14- 2 5 626 125
32 Cook, Dave W............. 118B 188042B w13- b5= w15= b14- b38= 1œ 5 565 113
33 Crockett, Stephen A...... 139A 279615G bye= w19= b31= 1œ 2 242 121
34 Gorman, Ken.............. 128A 111439G w12- b29= w27+ b5- b18- 1œ 5 578 116
35 Hartley, Dave C.......... 123A 112250C bye= b6- w5- b27= w28= 1œ 4 446 112
36 Innes, David Malcolm..... 130A 273264G b16- w24+ b30- w37= b20- 1œ 5 560 112
37 Mallard, Mark A.......... 137A 114842E b19= w31= w4- b36= w22- 1œ 5 524 105
38 Lamb, Ian................ 128A 114007D b1- w20- bye= b24- w32= 1 4 361 90
39 Lewis, Dominic........... 121A 267785E bye= w7- b21- b28- w27- œ 4 338 85
40 Egan, William .J......... 122A 276572L b11- 0 1 88 88
A = Player's score
B = Number of graded games played
C = Total grading points
D = Grading performance
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