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Major 2010
Venue: University Of Central Lancashire
Date: 26 Nov 10 to 28 Nov 10
Controller: Mr Peter Purland
Timings: First 40 moves in 100 mins. 20 mins to completion.
Pos Player Grade Code 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D
1 Wareing, John P.......... 167C 121145G w27+ b15+ w18+ b4+ w5= 4œ 5 996 199
2 Stephenson, Paul......... 147C 149914C w23+ b28= w16= b21+ b10+ 4 5 945 189
3 Zhu, Yao Yao............. 168A 269274A bye+ b6= w11= b18+ w7+ 4 4 697 174
4 Taylor, Phillip J........ 167A 120164F b20+ w22+ b7= w1- w16+ 3œ 5 868 174
5 Toole, Dave.............. 168A 120512C w30+ b18- w27+ b23+ b1= 3œ 5 880 176
6 Barber, Andrew M......... 151A 106179D b12+ w3= w28= b9= w8= 3 5 883 177
7 Burns, Martin J.......... 152A 181426G w33+ b9+ w4= b13= b3- 3 5 840 168
8 Clegg, Robert............ 162A 230106E bye= w14= b17= w32+ b6= 3 4 659 165
9 Cukovs, Oleg............. 169B 259664H b34+ w7- b32+ w6= b14= 3 5 812 162
10 Frith, Robert J.......... 161A 264241E bye= b24= w20+ b11+ w2- 3 4 634 159
11 Hackner, Oskar A......... 141A 279529C bye= w35+ b3= w10- b27+ 3 4 686 172
12 Harris, Martyn J......... 167A 112178K w6- b30+ w24+ b16= w15= 3 5 809 162
13 Mcbride, John............ 157B 104056L bye= b26= w25+ w7= b23= 3 4 637 159
14 Seery, Phillip T......... 155C 118673F w25= b8= w31= b26+ w9= 3 5 820 164
15 Shakespeare, John S...... 157D 262824H bye= w1- b37+ w17+ b12= 3 4 676 169
16 Boulden, David........... 152* 105395E bye= w37+ b2= w12= b4- 2œ 4 622 156
17 Connor, Michael I........ 151A 108722J w28- b33+ w8= b15- w31+ 2œ 5 776 155
18 Foster, Anthony.......... 153C 110785K b36+ w5+ b1- w3- b19= 2œ 5 784 157
19 Horne, George H.......... 146A 112989C bye= b21= w23- b29+ w18= 2œ 4 620 155
20 Jones, Neil T............ 149A 240718J w4- b29+ b10- w30+ w21= 2œ 5 790 158
21 Konarski, Jannic......... 158D 142423D bye= w19= b22+ w2- b20= 2œ 4 590 148
22 McCarthy, Damian......... 148A 230117K b31+ b4- w21- w34= b25+ 2œ 5 775 155
23 O`Gorman, Brendan........ 157A 116382G b2- w36+ b19+ w5- w13= 2œ 5 753 151
24 Blackburn, Jon EW........ 147A 178103A bye= w10= b12- b31= w26= 2 4 580 145
25 Hanson, Robert........... 137C 182067K b14= w32= b13- w35+ w22- 2 5 718 144
26 Parri, Deio.............. 141A 130200A b35= w13= bye= w14- b24= 2 4 565 141
27 Pritchard, Abigail....... 151A 242213L b1- w34+ b5- bye+ w11- 2 4 528 132
28 Vassiliou, Chris......... 167A 120826D b17+ w2= b6= 2 3 499 166
29 Winter, Kevin............ 152A 228399C bye= w20- b35= w19- b37+ 2 4 542 136
30 Coward, Neil............. 152A 163643B b5- w12- bye= b20- w36+ 1œ 4 519 130
31 Ellison, D George........ 161A 110225E w22- bye= b14= w24= b17- 1œ 4 501 125
32 Glover, George V......... 152A 111311C bye= b25= w9- b8- w33= 1œ 4 497 124
33 Morrison, Lynne G P...... 129B 253122H b7- w17- b34= w37= b32= 1œ 5 648 130
34 Greatorex, Roger......... 152A 111565A w9- b27- w33= b22= 1 4 497 124
35 Hughes, Peter............ 156B 258818D w26= b11- w29= b25- 1 4 471 118
36 Stokes, Alan............. 135A 263459E w18- b23- bye+ bye- b30- 1 3 312 104
37 Taylor, Julian DJ........ 141B 251171L bye= b16- w15- b33= w29- 1 4 440 110
A = Player's score
B = Number of graded games played
C = Total grading points
D = Grading performance
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